
Friday, 20 January 2017


Contribution of Industry to National Economy

The share of manufacturing sector in the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has been stagnant at 17% over the last two decades. The total contribution of industry to the GDP is 27% out of which 10% comes from mining, quarrying, electricity and gas.
The growth of the manufacturing sector had been 7% in the last decade. Since 2003, the growth rate has been 9 to 10% per annum. The desired growth rate over the next decade is 12%.
The National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council (NMCC) has been set with the objectives of improving productivity through proper policy interventions by the government and renewed efforts by the industry.

Classification of Manufacturing Industry

Manufacturing: Production of goods in large quantities after processing the raw materials into more valuable products is called manufacturing.

Importance of Manufacturing

Manufacturing industries help in modernizing agriculture; which forms the backbone of our economy. Apart from this, manufacturing industries also reduce the heavy dependence of people on agricultural income. This becomes possible because of creation of new jobs in secondary and tertiary sectors.
Industrial development helps in eradication of unemployment and poverty.
Export of manufactured goods expands trade and commerce and brings in much needed foreign exchange.
A country with high level of manufacturing activities becomes prosperous.

Important Terms
Manufacturing: Processing of raw material to make another valuable product in large quantity is called as manufacturing.
Light Industries: Industries which uses light raw material and produces light goods are called as light industries e.g. electric fans, bulb, button, toys etc.
Integrated Steel Plants: It is a large steel plant which handle everything under one complex – from smelting, rolling and shaping of steel. Ex – Durgapur, Bokaro, Jamshedpur etc.

Remember These Facts

First cement plant was set in the year 1904 in Chennai.

Chemical industry produces fertilizers, synthetic fibers, plastic, adhesive, paints, dye, glass, soap, acids, detergents etc.

Smelting of bauxite to produce aluminium needs very high electricity [18,600 Kwh for one ton of ore]. Therefore, aluminium smelting plants are located near the source of hydroelectricity.

IT Industry and Electronic Industry includes manufacturing of television, telephone, mobiles, computers, IC, radars etc. Bangalore is called Electronic
Capital of India. It is also called as Silicon Valley of India.

Sugar industry is located in the sugarcane producing area because sugarcane is a perishable item. It cannot be transport for longer distance and time.

First Cotton Mill was started in 1854 in Mumbai.

Four famous variety of Indian silk are: a) mulberry, b) tasar, c) eri and d) muga.

Four well known synthetic fibers are: a) rayon, b) nylon, c) terelene and d) decron.

Three types of fertilizers manufactured in India are: a) Urea, b) Phosphatic Fertilisers, c) Ammonium Phosphate [DAP].

Importance of Manufacturing Industries
a) Manufacturing industries are the backbone of our economy. Economic strength of any country depends on manufacturing industries.

b) Manufacturing industries help in modernization of agriculture. Tractor, harvester, thresher, irrigation pipes, sprinklers, fertilizers etc are made in these industries.

c) It is a great source of employment. Millions of people are directly engaged in manufacturing. These industries also help in eradicating unemployment and poverty.

d)Export of manufactured items help trade and commerce and our country earn foreign exchange.

e)Manufacturing meet the basic need of the people i.e. food, cloth and shelter.

f) Highest contribution to our national economy comes from manufacturing industries. It brings prosperity, social and economic development.

Types or Classification of Manufacturing Industries

A] On the basis of Raw Materials [Input]
1. Agro Based:
Those industries where raw materials come from agriculture, e.g. Cotton, Wollen, Jute, Silk Textiles, Sugar, Tea, Edible Oil
2. Mineral Based:
Those industries where minerals are used as raw materials, e.g. Iron & Steel, Cement, Aluminum, Machine Tools etc.

B] On the basis of their Main Role
1. Basic Industries:
Those industries which provide raw material to other industries are called basic industries. These industries help the development of other industries, e.g. Iron and Steel, Copper and Aluminium Smelting
2. Consumer Industries:
Those industries which produce goods for consumers are called consumer industries. Finished goods of these industries are directly sold in the market for consumers, e.g. Sugar, Toothpaste, Soap, Bread, Paper etc.

C] On the basis of Capital Investment
1. Small Scale Industries:
Those industries where investment of capital in less than rupees one crore is called as small scale industries, e.g. Mat, Furniture, Toys, Bread, Tools etc.
2. Large Scale Industries:
Those industries where investment of capital is more than rupees one crore is called as large scale industries, e.g. Iron & Steel, Petrochemicals, Cotton Textiles etc.

D] On the basis of Ownership
1. Public Sector:
These industries are owned, operated and maintained by Govt. e.g. BHEL, SAIL, IISCO
2. Private Sector:
These industries are owned, operated and maintained by individual or group of individuals, e.g. TISCO, Bajaj Auto Ltd. Dabar India.
3. Joint Sector:
These industries are jointly run by Govt. and group of individuals. It is mixture of public and private sector, e.g. Oil India Ltd. [OIL].
4. Cooperative Sector:
These industries are owned, operated and maintained by supplier of raw materials and workers of the industries, e.g. Sugar industries in Maharastra, Coir industries in Kerala.

E] On the basis of Finished Goods [Output]
1. Heavy Industries:
Those industries which use heavy and bulky raw materials and produced heavy goods in large quantity are called heavy industries, e.g. Iron and Steel, Copper Smelting.
2. Light Industries:
Those industries which use light and small raw materials and produced light goods are called light industries, e.g. Electrical, Toys, Tools, Utensils etc.

Q.Which factors affect the location of an industry?           
Ans Industries are not found everywhere. They are located at certain places only where they get favourable condition. Location of an industry is governed by mainly by the following two factors.

1. Raw Materials
2. Source of Energy
3. Source of Water
4. Availability of Capital and Finance
5. Demand in Market
6. Skilled Labourers and Workers
7. Banking and Insurance
8. Transport and Communication

Cotton Textile Industry and Its Problems
It is an agro-based and the oldest industry in India. First cotton mill was established in 1854 in Mumbai. At present, it the largest industry in our country. 

There are about 1600 cotton textile mills in our country.
Cotton textile mills are mainly concentrated in Maharastra and Gujarat due to favourable conditions. 

Important centres are Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Suar, Rajkot etc. Other centres are Agra, Kanpur, Hugli, Chennai, Madurai etc.

Cotton textile is produced by three methods in India: a) Handloom, b) Power-looms and c) Mills

Cotton textile industry involves ginning, spinning, weaving, dyeing, designing, tailoring and packaging to produce readymade garments.
India export yarn and readymade garments to USA, Japan, UK, France, Nepal, Sri Lanka etc.

Cotton textile industries are facing many problems such as:
a) Scarcity of good quality cotton,
b) Main cotton growing area went to Pakistan,
c) Old machinery,
d) Erratic power supply, e) low productivity of labour, f) tough competition from synthetic fibers.

Iron & Steel Industry and Its Problems

This industry is called as basic industry because it provide raw material to many other industries such as machine an tools, transport equipment, construction material etc.

It is also called as heavy industry because raw materials [iron ore, coal, limestone] are bulky in nature.

Iron ore mixed with limestone is smelted in the blast furnace using coking coal to produce pig iron. The ratio of iron ore, limestone and coking coal used in 4:2:1.

Pig iron is mixed with manganese, chromium and nickel which make it more stronger steel.

Most of the steel plants are located in Chotanagpur region due to its favourable conditions. At present there are 10 integrated iron and steel plants and many small and mini plants. Important integrated steel plants are Jamshedpur, Durgapur, Bokaro, Bhilai, Burnpur etc.

India produces about 33 million tons of steel every year even though per capita consumption of steel is very low i.e. 32 kg. It is low because India has low economic and industrial development.

Today steel industries in India are facing many problems:

a) High cost of production, 
b) Limited availability of coking coal, 
c) Low productivity of labour, 
d) Irregular supply of energy, 
e) Raw materials are found in a certain pocket of India only, 
f) Poor infrastructure like transport and communication etc.

Jute Industries and Its Problems

India is largest producer of raw jute and jute goods. There are about 70 jute mills in our country.
First jute mill was setup in Rishra [Kolkata] in 1859. Most of the jute mills are located along Hugli River in West Bengal due to favourable condition.
Jute is used in making rope, bags, carpets etc. Bihar, UP, Assam and Tripura also have jute miils.

Jute industries are facing problems like:
 a) main jute producing area went to Bangladesh, 
 b) high production cost, 
 c) declining demand of jute in international market, 
 d) tough competition from synthetic fiber industry.

Q.Why cotton industries are mainly concentrated in Maharastra and Gujarat?

Ans. Cotton textile industries are located mainly in Maharastra [around Mumbai] and Gujarat [around Ahmedabad] because of the following reasons.

a) Raw Materials: These areas have easy access to raw material i.e. cotton. Maharastra and Gujarat are the largest producer of cotton in India.

b) Favourable Climate: Humid climate is required for cotton textile. Maharastra and Gujarat have humid climate as they are located near to Arabian Sea. This climate is also good for cultivation of cotton.

c) Availability of Capital: Mumbai is the financial capital of our country. It provides finance and capital to cotton textile.

d) Labour: Maharastra and Gujarat are heavily populated area. Cheap labours are available in this region.

e) Transport and Communication: Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Surat, Pune etc are well connected by road and rail with other part of the country. Mumbai port is used to export readymade garments to European Countries.

Q. Why iron and steel industries are located mainly in Chotanagpur Region?

Ans. Most of important integrated steel plants are locate in Chotanagpur region i.e in Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Orrisa etc. It is because of the following reasons:
a) Raw Material: Chotanagpur area is rich in iron ore. Iron ore is extracted from Singbhum, Mayurbhanj, Kendujhar etc.
b) Energy: Coal is used for smelting iron ore in the blast furnace. Coal is available from Raniganj, Dhanbad, Jharia and Bokaro.
c) Cheap labour: Bengal, Bihar and Orissa have high density of population. Therefore, cheap labour is available in this region.
d) Transport: This region is well connected by road and railway with other parts of the country. Nantional Highway  2, Delhi – Howrah and Howrah – Mumbai rail route passes through this region.
e) Capital: Kolkata is a megacity which provide capital, banking and insurance facility.

Q. Jute industries are located mainly along Hooghly River. Why?

Ans. There are 69 jute mills located in a 2 km broad belt along Hooghly River. This area provides many favourable conditions required for this industry.
a) Raw jute is available for West Bengal. West Bengal is the largest producer of jute.
b) Coal for energy is brought from nearby Raniganj Coalfields.
c)Hooghly River provides water for washing and cleaning jute.
d)Warm and humid climate is very favourable for cultivation of jute and jute industry.
e) Kolkata is a metro city which provides capital and market.
f) Hooghly River also provides cheap water transport.

Q. Sugar industry is shifting from northern to southern India. Why?

Ans. Earlier UP and Bihar were the main producer of sugarcane. Therefore, most of the sugar mills were located in these two states only. But now, sugar mills are shifting towards Maharastra and Karnataka because of following reasons.
a)  Per hectare production of sugarcane is higher in southern India. Black soil is quite suitable for cultivation of sugarcane.
b) Sucrose content in the sugarcane is higher in Maharastra and Karnataka. It means more sugar can be produced for less sugarcane.
c) Mills and machines are new in southern states. New and modern machines increase the productivity.
d) Crushing season for sugarcane is longer in southern states.
e) Cooperative sugar mills are running successfully in southern states.

Industrial Pollution and Environmental Degradation

a) Air pollution is caused by the emission of CO2, Carbon Monoxide, Sulphur Dioxide etc. Chimneys of the industries produce heat leading to Global Warming and Green House Effect. Use of CFC in various industrial products depletes ozone layer which filters ultraviolet rays of the sun.
b)Dumping of organic and inorganic industrial waste into water bodies pollute the water. Industries which produce paper, pulp, chemical, leather, acids, dyes, fertilizers etc generate lots of toxic waste which kills the aquatic life.
c) High intensity sound generated by running machines, siren, drilling, fans etc leads to noise pollution. It causes irritation, hearing impairment, heart attack etc. among the nearby people.
d) Mining activity to get raw material for industries also degrade the environment. Land degradation, deforestation, soil erosion, water logging etc. of result of mining activities.

Measurement [Methods] for Controlling Environmental Pollution and Degradation

a) Industries should be located with careful planning and better design.
b) Quantity of smoke can be reduced by using oil instead of coal.
c) Non-conventional sources of energy should be used instead of fossil fuels.
d) Modern equipment should be used which controls, filters and separate harmful materials from the waste.
e) Waste water should be properly treated before discharging into rivers.
f) Land filling method should be adopted for dumping of waste.
g) Polluting industries should be located away from town and cities.

Multiple choice questions

(i) Which one of the following industries uses limestone as a raw material.
(a) Aluminium
(b) Cement
(c) Sugar
(d) Jute
► (b) Cement

(ii) Which one of the following agencies markets steel for the public sector plants?
(a) HAIL
(b) SAIL
(c) TATA Steel
(d) MNCC
► (b) SAIL

(iii) Which one of the following industries uses bauxite as a raw material?
(a) Aluminium
(b) Cement
(c) Jute
(d) Steel
► (a) Aluminium

(iv) Which one of the following industries manufactures telephones, computer, etc?
(a) Steel
(b) Electronic
(c) Aluminium
(d) Information Technology
► (b) Electronic

Answer the following briefly in not more than 30 words.

Q. What is manufacturing?

Ans.Manufacturing is the process in which goods are produced after processing the various raw materials.

Q. Name any three physical factors for the location of the industry.

Ans Three physical factors for the location of the industry are:
→ Availability of raw material. 
→ Suitable climate. 
→ Availability of water and power supply.

Q Name any three human factors for the location of an industry.
Ans Three human factors for the location of an industry are
→ Availability of cheap labour
→ Availability of services such as consultants and financial advice
→ Availability of Market

Q. What are basic industries? Give an example.

Ans. Basic industries are those which supply their raw materials to industries which manufacture other goods. An example is the iron and steel industry which supplies steel to the automobile industry.

Q.Name the important raw materials used in the manufacturing of cement?

Ans. The important raw materials used in the manufacturing of cement are: limestone, silica, alumina and gypsum.

3. Write the answers of the following questions in 120 words.

Q.How are integrated steel plants different from mini steel plants? What problems does the industry face? What recent developments have led to a rise in the production capacity?

Ans. Integrated Steel Plants are large plants which handle everything in one complex – from putting together raw material to steel making, rolling and shaping.
Mini Steel Plants are smaller, have electric arc furnaces, use mainly steel scrap and sponge iron as inputs. They have re-rollers that use steel ingots as well. They produce mild and alloy steel of given specifications.

Problems of Steel Industry:
→ High costs and limited availability of coking coal.
→ Lower productivity of labour.
→ Irregular supply of power.
→ Poor infrastructure.

Following are some recent developments that have led to a rise in the production capacity:
→ Liberalisation
→ Foreign direct investments (FDI) with the efforts of private entrepreneurs. 
→ Improvement in production process by the use of newer technologies.

Q. How do industries pollute the environment?

Ans. Industries are responsible for four types of pollution – air, water, land, and noise pollution. Following are the various reasons:
→ Air pollution is caused by the presence of high proportion of undesirable gases, such as sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide.
→ Water pollution is caused by organic and inorganic industrial wastes and effluents discharged into rivers.
→ Thermal pollution of water occurs when hot water from factories and thermal plants are drained into rivers and ponds before cooling.
→ Wastes from nuclear plants cause cancer, birth defects and miscarriages.
→ Dumping of wastes especially, glass, harmful chemicals, industrial effluents, packaging, salts and other garbage render the soil useless.
→ Noise pollution is caused due to industrial and construction activities, factory equipment, generators, electric saws, drills and other machineries.

Q Discuss the steps to be taken to minimise environmental degradation by industry?

Ans.  The steps to be taken to minimize environmental degradation by industry are:
→ To control water pollution, industrial effluents need to be treated on all three levels (primary, secondary and tertiary); the use of water for processing should be minimised via reuse and recycling; rainwater can be harvested to meet water requirements, and ground water usage should be regulated by law.
→ For the minimisation of air pollution, smoke stacks should be fitted to factories with electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters, scrubbers and inertial separators. Also, smoke can be reduced by using oil or gas instead of coal.
→ Noise pollution can be controlled by fitting generators with silencers, redesigning machinery to reduce noise, and using earplugs and earphones besides other noise absorbing material.


Give one word for each of the following with regard to industry. The number of letters in each word are hinted in brackets.

(i) Used to drive machinery                       (5) P...........................

(ii) People who work in a factory              (6) W..........................

(iii) Where the product is sold                   (6) M..........................

(iv)  A person who sells goods                   (8) R...........................

(v) Thing produced                                    (7) P...........................

(vi) To make or produce                            (11) M..........................

(vii) Land, Water and Air degraded           (9) P...........................


(i) Power
(ii) Worker
(iii) Market
(iv) Retailer
(v) Product
(vi) Manufacture
(vii) Pollution

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