1. The French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation.
2. The Making of Nationalism in Europe
3. The Age of Revolutions: 1830
4. The Making of Germany and Italy
5. Visualizing the Nation
6. Nationalism and Imperialism
I. Answer the following questions :
Q1. What was the legacy of the French Revolution given to the world?
Q2. What steps were taken by the French revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity among the people of France?
Following steps were taken by the revolutionaries of France to create the sense of collective identity among the people of France :
Describe any four features of the Civil Code of 1804 introduced by Napoleon in France.
The Civil Code of 1804 was known as the Napoleonic Code –
The reactions of the local people were as follows:
Explain Liberalism in politics and economy fields prevailing in Europe during the nineteenth century.
The term ‘liberalism’ derives from the Latin word liber meaning free.
Q10. What was the Treaty of Vienna?
Discuss about the Greece war of Independence.
Culture played an important role in creating the idea of nationalism in the following way:
Explain four causes of economic hardship in Europe during 1830-1840?
Four causes of economic hardship in Europe during 1830-1840 were:
(Please Note: Dear students the chapter is in the question and answer form where i have covered all the topics given in the NCERT book as used by CBSE schools)
1. The French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation.
2. The Making of Nationalism in Europe
3. The Age of Revolutions: 1830
4. The Making of Germany and Italy
5. Visualizing the Nation
6. Nationalism and Imperialism
I. Answer the following questions :
Q1. What was the legacy of the French Revolution given to the world?
- It transformed the subjects to the citizens thereby giving the idea of fatherland i.e la patrie and le citoyen.
- It gave the idea of people's representative and equal participation irrespective of class and gender.
- It gave the idea of democratic type of government.
- It emphasized on the notion of united community enjoying equal rights under one common constitution.
- It created the sense of collective identity among the people of France.
- Transfer of sovereignty from Monarchy to the the people of Nation.
- It gave the world the idea of liberty and democracy.
Q2. What steps were taken by the French revolutionaries to create a sense of collective identity among the people of France?
Following steps were taken by the revolutionaries of France to create the sense of collective identity among the people of France :
- The idea of la patrie and le citoyen was introduced.
- A new French flag the tricolor replaced royal standard.
- New hymns were composed, oaths taken and martyrs were commemorated in the name of the nation.
- A centralized administrative was introduced which formulated uniform laws for all the citizens.
- Internal customs, duties and dues were abolished.
- A uniform of weights and measures was adopted.
- Regional dialects were discouraged.
- French became the common language of the nation.
- When the news of the events in France reached the different cities of Europe, students and other members of educated middle classes began setting up Jacobin clubs.
- Their activities and campaigns prepared the way for the French armies which moved into Holland, Belgium, Switzerland and much of Italy in the 1790s.
- With the outbreak of the revolutionary wars, the French armies began to carry the idea of nationalism abroad.
Describe any four features of the Civil Code of 1804 introduced by Napoleon in France.
The Civil Code of 1804 was known as the Napoleonic Code –
- It abolished all privilege based on birth.
- It established equality before the law and secured the right to property.
- It simplified administrative divisions and abolished the feudal system.
- The Code freed peasants from serfdom and manorial dues.
- In the towns guild restrictions were removed.
- Transport and communication systems were improved.
- Peasants, artisans, workers and new businessmen enjoyed a new-found freedom.
- A uniform system of weights and measures was introduced to facilitate the movement and exchange of goods and capital from one region to another.
The reactions of the local people were as follows:
- Initially, in many places such as Holland and Switzerland, as well as in cities like Brussels, Mainz, Milan and Warsaw, the French armies were welcomed as harbingers of liberty.
- But the enthusiasm soon turned to hostility,as it became clear that the new administrative arrangements did not permitted political freedom.
- Increased taxation,censorship, forced conscription into the French armies required to
conquer the rest of Europe were seen as the disadvantages of the new system.
Q6. How was the Habsburg Empire a patchwork of many different regions and people Europe? Explain.
- The Habsburg Empire that ruled over Austria-Hungary was a patchwork of many different regions and peoples spoke different languages and belonged to different ethnic groups.
- It included the Alpine regions the Tyrol, Austria, Sudetenland and Bohemia,where the aristocracy was German-speaking.
- The Italian-speaking provinces of Lombardy and Venetia were also included in this region.
- The ethnic group of people spoke different languages and did not share a common identity or common culture and thus could not promote political unity.
- These diverse groups were together tied to common allegiance to the emperor.
Explain Liberalism in politics and economy fields prevailing in Europe during the nineteenth century.
The term ‘liberalism’ derives from the Latin word liber meaning free.
- For the new middle classes: liberalism stood for freedom for the individual and equality of all
before the law. - Politically: it emphasized the concept of government by consent as after the French Revolution, liberalism stood for the end of autocracy and clerical privileges, a constitution and representative government through parliament.
- In the economic sphere: liberalism stood for the freedom of markets and the abolition of state-imposed restrictions on the movement of goods and capital.
- Zollverein was formed at the initiative of Prussia and joined by most of the German states.
- The union abolished tariff barriers and reduced the number of currencies from over thirty to two.
- Economic nationalism strengthened and even strengthened nationalist sentiments.
- The aim of the zollverein was to bind the Germans economically into one nation.
- Conservatives believed that established, traditional institutions of state and society – like the
monarchy, the Church, social hierarchies, property and the family –should be preserved. - They realised from the changes initiated by Napoleon that modernisation could strengthen traditional institutions like the monarchy.
- It could make state power more effective and strong.
- A modern army, an efficient bureaucracy, a dynamic economy, the abolition of feudalism
and serfdom could strengthen the autocratic monarchies of Europe.
- In 1815, representatives of the European powers Britain, Russia,Prussia and Austria who had collectively defeated Napoleon met at Vienna to draw up a settlement for Europe.
- The delegates drew up the Treaty of Vienna of 1815 with the object of undoing most of the changes that had come about in Europe during the Napoleonic wars.
- The Bourbon dynasty was restored to power.
- A series of states were set up on the boundaries of France to prevent French expansion in future.
- The German confederation of 39 states that had been set up by Napoleon was left untouched.
- The main intention was to restore the monarchies that had been overthrown by Napoleon and create a new conservative order in Europe.
- Conservative regimes were autocratic.
- They did not tolerate criticism and dissent and curbed the activities that questioned the legitimacy of autocratic governments.
- Most of them imposed censorship laws to control what was said in newspapers,books, plays and songs and reflected the ideas of liberty and freedom associated with the French Revolution.
- Giuseppe Mazzini was the Italian revolutionary, became a member of the secret society of the Carbonari and was sent into exile for attempting a revolution in Liguria.
- He founded underground societies such as Young Italy in Marseilles,and Young Europe in Berne, whose members young men from Poland, France, Italy and the German states.
- Mazzini believed that God had intended nations to be the natural units of mankind.
- Therefore Italy could not continue to be a patchwork of small states and kingdoms and had to be forged into a single unified republic within a wider alliance of nations.
- Mazzini’s relentless opposition to monarchy and his vision of democratic republics frightened the conservatives.
Discuss about the Greece war of Independence.
- The growth of revolutionary nationalism in Europe sparked off a struggle for independence amongst the Greeks which began in 1821.
- Nationalists in Greece got support from other Greeks living in exile and also from many West Europeans who had sympathies for ancient Greek culture.
- Poets and artists lauded Greece as the cradle of European civilisation and mobilised public opinion to support its struggle against a Muslim empire.
- The Treaty of Constantinople of 1832 recognised Greece as an independent nation.
- Romanticism is a cultural movement which sought to develop a particular form of nationalist sentiment.
- Romantic artists and poets generally criticised the glorification of reason and science and focused on emotions, intuition and mystical feelings.
- Their effort was to create a sense of a shared collective heritage, a common cultural past, as the basis of a nation.
Culture played an important role in creating the idea of nationalism in the following way:
- Romantic artists created a sense of a shared collective heritage, as common cultural past, as the basis of a nation.
- They popularised it through folk songs, folk poetry and folk dances.
- Language played an important role in developing nationalist sentiments.
- After Russian occupation,many members of the clergy in Poland began to use language as a weapon of national resistance.Polish was used for Church gatherings and all religious instruction.
- The use of Polish came to be seen as a symbol of the struggle against Russian dominance.
Explain four causes of economic hardship in Europe during 1830-1840?
Four causes of economic hardship in Europe during 1830-1840 were:
- Enormous increase in population all over Europe during first half of 19th century.
- There were more seekers of jobs than employment. Population from rural areas migrated to the cities to live in overcrowded slums.
- Small producers in towns faced stiff competition from imports of cheap machine-made goods from England, where industrialisation was more advanced than on the continent.
- Peasants struggled under the burden of feudal dues and obligations in the regions of Europe where the aristocracy still enjoyed power.
- The rise of food prices or a year of bad harvest led to widespread pauperism in town and country.
- Silesian weavers revolted against contractors who supplied them raw material and gave them orders for finished textiles but drastically reduced their payments.
- On 4 June at 2 p.m. a large crowd of weavers emerged from their homes and marched in pairs up to the mansion of their contractor demanding higher wages.
- Following this, a group of them forced their way into the house, smashed its elegant window panes,furniture, porcelain … another group broke into the storehouse and plundered it of supplies of cloth which they tore to shreds.
- The contractor fled with his family to a neighbouring village which, however, refused to shelter such a person. He returned 24 hours later having requisitioned the army.
- In the exchange that followed, eleven weavers were shot.
- In the German regions a large number of political associations whose members were middle-class professionals, businessmen and prosperous artisans came together in the city of Frankfurt and decided to vote for an all-German National Assembly.
- On 18 May 1848, 831 elected representatives took their places in the Frankfurt Parliament convened in the Church of St Paul.
- They drafted a constitution for a German nation to be headed by a monarchy subject to a Parliament.
- When the deputies offered the crown on these terms King of Prussia, he rejected it and joined other monarchs to oppose the elected assembly.
- As the opposition of the aristocracy and military became stronger, the social basis of Parliament eroded.
- The Parliament was dominated by the middle classes who resisted the demands of workers and artisans and consequently lost their support.
- In the end troops were called in and the assembly was forced to disband.
- In the European states of Germany, Italy,France Austria and Hungary large numbers of women
had participated actively demanding their political rights. - Women formed their own political associations, founded newspapers and took part in political meetings and demonstrations.
- They were denied suffrage rights during the election of the Assembly and when the Frankfurt parliament convened women were admitted only as observers.
- Italy was politically fragmented and was divided into seven states, of which
only one, Sardinia-Piedmont, was ruled by an Italian princely house. - The north was under Austrian Habsburgs, the centre was ruled by the Pope and the southern regions were under the domination of the Bourbon kings of Spain.
- Role of Giuseppe Mazzini: Giuseppe Mazzini had put together a coherent programme for a unitary Italian Republic and also formed a secret society called Young Italy for the dissemination of his goals.
- Due to the failure of revolutionary uprisings in 1831 and 1848 the responsibility fell on Sardinia-Piedmont under its ruler King Victor Emmanuel II to unify the Italian states through war.
- Role of Cavour: Chief Minister Cavour led the movement to unify the regions of Italy. Through a tactful diplomatic alliance with France he succeeded in defeating the Austrian forces in 1859.
- Role of Giuseppe Garibaldi: A large number of armed volunteers under the leadership of
Giuseppe Garibaldi marched into South Italy and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and succeeded in winning the support of the local peasants in order to drive out the Spanish rulers. In 1861 Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed king of united Italy.
- In Britain the formation of the nation-state was not the result of a sudden upheaval or revolution but It was the result of a long-drawn-out process as there was no British nation till the eighteenth century.
- The primary identities of the people in the British Isles were ethnic ones such as English, Welsh, Scot or Irish and all of these ethnic groups had their own cultural and political traditions.
- As the English nation grew in wealth, importance and power, it was able to extend its influence over the other nations of the islands.
- After the revolution of 1688, the nation-state with England at its centre came to be forged.
- The Act of Union between England and Scotland resulted in the formation of the ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain’which meant that England was able to impose its influence on Scotland.
- After this the British Parliament was dominated by its English members.
- The growth of a British identity systematically suppressed the Scotland’s distinctive culture and political institutions.
- Ireland was also forcibly incorporated into the United Kingdom in 1801
- A new ‘British nation’ was forged through the propagation of a dominant English culture.
- The symbols of the new Britain such as the British flag (Union Jack), the National Anthem (God Save Our NobleKing), the English language – were actively promoted and the older nations survived only as subordinate partners in this union.
- Female allegories were invented by artists in the nineteenthcentury to represent the nation.
- Marianne: In France she was christened Marianne, a popular Christian name, which underlined the idea of as people’s nation.
- Her characteristics were drawn from those of Liberty and the Republic – the red cap, the tricolour, the cockade.
- Statues of Marianne were erected in public squares to remind the public of the national symbol of unity and to persuade them to identify with it.
- Marianne images were marked on coins and stamps.
- Germania: It became the allegory of the German nation.
- In visual representations, Germania wears a crown of oak leaves, as the German oak stands for heroism.
- The Balkans was a region of geographical and ethnic variation comprising modern-day Romania,Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina,Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro whose inhabitants were known as the Slavs and a large part of the Balkans was under the control of the Ottoman Empire.
- As the different Slavic nationalities struggled to define their identity and independence, the Balkan area became an area of intense conflict.
- The Balkans also became the prey to power rivalry among the European powers over trade and colonies as well as naval and military might. These rivalry powers – Russia, Germany, England, Austro-Hungary were keen on the hold of other power over the Balkans, and extending its own control over the area.
- This led to a series of wars in the region and finally the First World War.
- Germany and Italy were unified as nation-states as nationalist feelings were widespread among middle-class Germans, who in 1848 tried to unite the different regions of the German confederation into a nation-state governed by an elected parliament.
- This liberal initiative to nation-building was, repressed by the combined forces of the monarchy and the military, supported by the large landowners (called Junkers) of Prussia.
- Prussia took on the leadership of the movement for national unification.
- Chief minister Otto von Bismarck carried out the process with the help of the Prussian army and bureaucracy.
- He fought three wars with Austria, Denmark and France which ended in Prussian victory and completed the process of unification.
- In January 1871, the Prussian king, William I,was proclaimed German Emperor in a ceremony
held at Versailles,an assembly comprising the princes of the German states, representatives of the army,important Prussian ministers including the chief minister Otto von Bismarck. - The nation-building process in Germany demonstrated the dominance of Prussian state power.
- The new state placed a strong emphasis on modernising the currency, banking, legal and judicial systems in Germany.
- Prussian measures and practices became a model for the rest of Germany.
(Please Note: Dear students the chapter is in the question and answer form where i have covered all the topics given in the NCERT book as used by CBSE schools)
Really nice and easy to learn :):)
ReplyDeleteThanks Akanksha.....................bles u dear
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting this.This will really help me.
ReplyDeleteThanks dheeraj................ wish you all da best for your board exams